Assalamualaikum w. w.
Kali ini departemen PMB mengajak teman - teman semua anggota CSSMORA UNAIR untuk belajar bahasa inggris melalui berbagai media salah satunya melalui internet.
yukz kita mulai belajar bahasa inggrisnya !!!
Grammar CornerPART IA. Position of an Object
Perhatikan beberapa contoh di bawah ini:
Kita bisa mengungkapkannya sebagai berikut:
• He lent me a book - He lent a book to me
• He sent me a card - He sent a card to me
• She bought me a tie - She bought a tie for me
• She made a cake for me - She made me a cake
B. Common Mistakes
• Ask vs Ask For
Incorrect : He came and asked my book
Correct : He came and asked for my book
(Perhatikan bahwa ask hanya akan bermakna ‘meminta’ ketika ia diiringi preposition for).
• Pay vs Pay For
Incorrect : How much did you pay the book?
Correct : How much did you pay for the book?
(Pay & Pay for memiliki makna yang sama, tapi penggunaan keduanya berbeda. Pay for secara khusus bermakna ‘membayar’ sesuatu yang dibeli, sedangkan Pay bermakna ‘membayar’ seseorang (karena jasa yang diberikan, dll.), suatu tagihan, rekening dsb).
C. Exercises
Tulis kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan cara yang berbeda:
1. He paid the shop-keeper some money.
2. He handed me the prize.
3. The waiter brought a bottle of sprite to the man.
4. Read me the first pargraph.
5. I’ve ordered some soup for you.
6. I owe him a lot of money.
Tuliskan bentuk yang benar dari kalimat-kalimat berikut:
1. I have (paid) (paid for) him some rupiah for his perfect service.
2. The Old Man forgot to (pay)( pay for) the bill.
3. My Mom bought me this notebook. She paid five milion (to)(for) it.
4. He (asked) (asked for) some cake.
5. Do you (ask) (ask for) my curriculum vitae, Sir?
6. If you need the money, why don’t you just (ask) (ask for) it from my brother?
Jawaban Exercises
A. Position of An Object
1. He paid some money to the shop-keeper.
2. He handed the prize to me.
3. The waiter brought the man a bottle of sprite.
4. Read the first paragraph for me.
5. I’ve ordered you some soup.
6. I owe a lot of money from him.
B. Common Mistakes
1. I have paid him some rupiah for his perfect service.
2. The old man forgot to pay the bill.
3. My Mom bought me this notebook. She paid five million for it.
4. He asked for some cake.
5. Do you ask for my curriculum vitae, Sir?
6. If you need the money, why don’t you just ask for it from my brother?
A. Position of a Preposition
Perhatikan bagaimana kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini diungkapkan dengan cara yang berbeda:
Dengan cara yang berbeda:
• He took off his coat. -He took his coat off.
-He took it off.
• He put out the fire. -He put the fire out.
-He put it out.
• He put on her hat. -She put her hat on.
-She put it on.
Bagaimanapun juga, kita tidak mungkin mengubah posisi preposition for pada kata look for dengan cara di atas. Adalah salah untuk mengatakan “I am looking my pen for”.
B. Common Mistakes
• Different from not Different with
Incorrect : My book is different with yours.
Correct : My book is different from yours.
• Married to not Married with
Incorrect : She was married with a rich man.
Correct : She was married to a rich man.
C. Exercises
Tulis kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan cara yang berbeda (tidak semuanya bisa diungkapkan dengan cara di atas):
1. He gave away all his books.
2. She woke up the children early in the morning.
3. They cut off the king’s head.
4. Put on your hat and coat.
5. He is looking at the picture.
6. He asked for permission to leave.
Answers of Exercises
1. He gave all his books away.
2. She woke the children up early in the morning.
3. They cut the king’s head off.
4. Put your hat and coat on.
5. He is looking at the picture.
6. He asked for permission to leave.
Perhatikan kata yang bergaris bawah. Kedua kata itu tidak bisa ditulis ulang dalam bentuk seperti yang telah dijelaskan di atas.
Apabila ada saran dan kritik atau materi di atas yang kurang difahami silakan hubungi anggota departemen PMB terdekat :).
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